Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Teresa Trap, and how she won't shut it

Teresa says Laura's never had a "real job." Then she issued this half-assed apology, claiming she forgot about how Laura was a teacher/librarian before marrying W. So...when Laura quit her job to raise the twins - to be a stay at home mom - that's not a "real job" according to Mrs. Ketchup? Hello - alienating the diaper brigade, aren't we, Mrs. Kerry? Maybe she thinks the stay-at-home mamas are barefoot and can't get out of the house to vote, but hopefully they heard Teresa today, and hopefully they'll think to themselves "Self, me thinks Teresa is out of touch and will be bad for our country. I think Laura is a nice lady, who, for four years, has somehow managed NOT to steal the limelight from her husband - unlike her predecessor in the White House." Like Mr. Ketchup said, Teresa "speaks her mind" - yeah, no kidding. Shove it.