This opinion says so. Naturally, I disagree. But the entire argument if flawed. If one begins with the premise that bans on gay marriage is invidious discrimination then its easy to conclude that King would be against it. Of course, if you begin with the premise that King stood against race discrimination because it was contrary to natural law and Christian morality, then how is it possible to argue that King would have been in favor of it? Christian morality also played a large role in the abolition of slavery. Religious and moral argument in favor of gay marriage simply don't exist.
Additionally, King was living on the wrong end of Jim Crow and racism and discrimination. He had a greater self-interest in combatting it.
The other premise of the argument, is that King had a gay friend that others discriminated against, though often without saying as much, so he'd favor gay marriage. This argument is another version of the love us or hate us rhetoric of the gay rights movement. In other words, you either or in favor of the gay rights agenda, including gay marriage, or you are some hate-mongering red-state Evangelical Nazi out to rid the world of the "queers."
The problem with this premise is that its possible to have gay friends, support them in their lives, but disagree with their agenda, or at least with gay marriage. Many Christians "hate the sin, but love the sinner" and I'm sure it's likely that's King was thinking when dealing with his gay friend.