"President Obama says that both sides agree we need to lower costs, promote choice and provide coverage for every American," says Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, a free-market health-care think tank. "But he never confronts the simple fact that the measures he's supporting achieve none of those goals. Instead of debating, the White House attacks anyone who raises a question."
Of course, when fundamental human rights are at stake, it seems churlish to worry about little things such as the price tag. Or higher taxes. When it comes to the Holy Grail of universality, liberal intentions are far more important than actual outcomes.
"Think of public education," says James Capretta, a health-care expert at the Washington-based Ethics and Public Policy Center. "They want to do for health care what they've done for education-establish a government-run, universal system. Once in place, they will defend such a system whether or not it delivers the results it promised."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Health-Care Grail