A deeper look into the job creation data reveals that most of the jobs were “created or saved” in the public sector. Based on data from Stimulus Watch, we find that of the jobs the administration claims to have created with stimulus funds, only some 140,765 of them were private jobs.
Furthermore, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics, since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act private industry has suffered a net loss of 2,610,000 employees (or 2.3 percent of total private employment), while the government has only lost 46,000 employees from its payroll (or 0.2 percent of total government employment). In other words, most of the job losses occurred in the private sector rather than in the public sector. This means that on average, the number of private jobs lost for every private job created is far greater than 6.
Friday, December 11, 2009
"on average, the number of private jobs lost for every private job created is far greater than 6."
Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
big government,