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- He was moderate - yes, he was. He ran as the conservative guy, but wasn't an ideologue. You just got the sense that his heart wasn't into conservatism all that much.
- Fast & Furious - it was hardly mentioned. Romney mentioned it once in a debate but only to say that answers were needed. He should have hit Obama hard with this scandal.
- Benghazi - Another lost opportunity. The President let Americans die and didn't answer for it. That's a huge failure. Overall, Romney just didn't present an understandable foreign policy.
- Waiting to the end to spend money - Romney let Obama attack him in ads all summer and didn't spend his money until the end. Yes, a lot of people wait until October to decide, but that's only after months of hearing how bad you are. Those people simply won't be open minded. The well was poisoned.
- Obama bought votes - Obama basically bought Ohio and Michigan with the auto bailout. Not much Romney could do about it.
- Lack of details - Yes, Romney had a 5 point plan, but he never really said how he'd get there.
- Obamacare- Romney was the worst candidate to attack Obama on this issue b/c of Romneycare. As such, he just let it slide. He only went after it as affecting jobs and stealing from Medicare. He never had a good answer why the individual mandate was ok for Massachusetts, but not the country. Also, after John Roberts rewrote the Constitution, this issue went away.
- America is now a country of takers. Romney was wrong about 47% of the country being like that. In reality, it's closer to 51%.
- The Media - they don't cover Obama, they cover for him. They're a national disgrace. That Romney willingly accepted MSMers as debate moderators was a mistake, too. Next time, fight for some fair and objective folks.