Saturday, March 05, 2005

Civil disobedience is in order

Says Tom Smith, if the FEC really tries to regulate the free speech on the internet and blogs:
I certainly hope all this anxiety of the threat of FEC regulation of the blogosphere is misplaced. But it's not too early to express the opinion that they can stop us from blogging and saying whatever we think, especially about political candidates, when they pry our keyboards from our cold, dead fingers. I mean, really. If some combination of the FEC and the courts really start to say, oh, you can't say that on your blog within 90 days (or whatever) of election day, I think we are really talking about a time for civil disobedience. Think Poland, Lebanon, Tianamen Square. OK, not Tianamen Square, but the rest. There are too many of us, and too few of them. Just let them try to squelch this new realm of free speech.
I agree with Smith that the FEC, the Congress or even the Courts really won't try to tell us what we can and can't say about candidates running for political office, or when we can say it, but then again, the Supreme Court did just rule that there is a political speech exception to the First Amendment